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Yoga for Lower Back Strength: Strengthening Poses for a Resilient Lower Back

Yoga for Lower Back Strength

Yoga for Lower Back Strength: Strengthening Poses for a Resilient Lower Back

Consistency is key, regular practice of yoga will give you a lot of benefits and you will be able to see the true power of yoga.

What Constitutes Lower Back Strength?

It helps you with a good posture, it reduces your risk of injury and improves the overall spinal health. There are a few key muscles involved in the lower back. To strengthen the lower back you need to do asanas that target a few muscles which takes care of the lower back and strengthens the muscles.

Common Issues Related to Weak Lower Back Muscles

Now weak muscles can cause a lot of issues. Most of the issues are quite common and are a sign of weak lower back.

  • Back pain
  • Bad Posture
  • High risk of injury
  • lack of strength

Benefits of Yoga for Lower Back Strength

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. Hence, it is power packed with some amazing benefits.

  • It improves your body posture
  • It enhances flexibility
  • It reduces stress
  • It aligns your spinal cord
  • It reliefs any pain

Top 7 Yoga Poses for Lower Back Strength

1. Marjaryasana

How to Perform:

  • Take a position on the mat with your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Keep your arms and knees on the floor with hip width apart.
  • Now inhale and raise your chin and tilt your head back, push your stomach downwards and raise your back.
  •  Repeat this form as many times as you want for better results.

Benefits for lower back strength

It increases flexibility and strengthens your lower back.

2. Balasana

How to Perform:

  • Sit on your knees and make sure your feet are touching the mat.
  • slowly bend forward and with your arms stretching forward and forehead touching the mat.
  • Now close your eyes, feel the stretch and relax completely. Hold the pose for a few seconds and repeat.

Benefits for lower back strength

Stretches lower back and reduces stress.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

How to Perform:

  • Form an inverted V using your arms and legs and your hips should be upwards.
  • Your head should be between your arms facing downwards towards the mat, once you achieve the inverted V you can press your heels on the floor and feel a good stretch, hold this position for a few seconds and release.

Benefits for lower back strength

It strengthens lower back and improves posture

4. Salabhasana

How to Perform:

  • lie down on your stomach with your arms touching your body and palms facing upwards.
  • Make sure your forehead and feet are touching the mat and your legs touching the mat. Now   keep your palms below your thighs.
  • Once you have locked your palms, lift your forehead, chest and feet from the ground and hold this pose for a few seconds and come back to the starting position and relax.

Benefits for lower back strength

It takes care of your overall back and strengthens your lower back

5. Setubandhasana

How to Perform:

  • Lie down on your back, bend your knees bent and feet on the mat.
  • Hold your ankles with your palms. Now slowly lift your back from the ground.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds and release.

Benefits for lower back strength

It helps in stabilizing lower back strength

6. Bhujangasana

How to Perform:

  • Lie down on your stomach with your palms near your shoulders
  • Now fold your hands from your elbows, make sure your palms are close to your shoulders and raise your torso from the mat.
  • Slowly unwind and come back to your mat.

Benefits for lower back strength

It helps in improving overall back strength

7. Supta Matsyendrasana

How to Perform:

  • Lie down on your back, bend your knees, now place your feet on the mat, place your arms out to the sides.
  • Lift your right feet from your mat and make sure you cross your right thigh over your left and twist from your hips.
  • Hold the twist for a few seconds and now you can switch the sides.

Benefits for lower back strength

It promotes flexibility which helps in improving back strength.

Related Blog: Yoga Poses for Shoulders and Upper Back: Alleviate Tension and Improve Posture

FAQs about Yoga for Lower Back Strength

Let’s answer a few frequently asked questions about yoga for lower back strength

Q1. How often should I practice yoga for lower back strength?

Practicing yoga 2-3 times a week can be beneficial for back strength

Q2. Can yoga worsen lower back pain if done incorrectly?

Yes, if you perform the yoga pain incorrectly it will worsen the the lower back pain

Q3. What are the benefits of yoga compared to other exercises for lower back strength?

It helps you strengthen your core muscles.

Q4. How can I incorporate yoga into my daily routine to support my lower back health?

You can incorporate yoga into your daily routine by starting with small sessions, then increase the duration gradually.

Q5. Are there yoga props that can assist in performing poses for lower back strength?

yes, there are yoga props and these props can be really helpful as it can assist in performing poses for lower back strength


Being consistent with your yoga practice will help in improving your overall health. It enhances your lower back and helps in building strength.

Join Our Yoga Class for Strengthening Your Lower Back!

Discover the power of yoga with us! Let’s target your lower back, let’s strengthen it together. The transformative power of yoga is designed specifically to enhance and strengthen your lower back.

Join us today and we will help you achieve a strong lower back!