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Yoga for Back Strength: Essential Poses to Build a Strong and Healthy Spine

Yoga for Back Strength

Yoga for Back Strength: Essential Poses to Build a Strong and Healthy Spine

Yoga can not only strengthen your back, but it also helps you in building a strong and healthy spine. Through consistent practice and focusing on certain forms which targets your back and spine you will be able to build a strong and healthy spine.

Importance of a Strong and Healthy Spine

The spine protects our nervous system, the spinal cord which is one of the most vital parts of the nervous system is called the most critical part as it transfers signals between the brain and other body parts.

Common Back Problems

The spine protects our nervous system, the spinal cord which is one of the most vital parts of the nervous system is called the most critical part as it transfers signals between the brain and other body parts.

Common Back Problems

Back problems are very common; you can see this issue in all age groups. lifestyle and minimal physical activity you can often see youngsters facing this issue.

Let’s address the most common back problems.

  • Slipped disk, in this case one of the disks slips or a small area gets affected.
  • Muscle strain is one of the most common back problems caused due to overexertion or overstretching that leads to limiting movements.

Benefits of Yoga for Back Strength

There are several benefits of yoga. It helps in reducing back pain and also prevents any issues related to back.

  • Yoga engages your core muscles and your abdominal area, this supports your spine and prevents any back injuries.
  • There are particular poses/asanas if done on a regular basis it will strengthen your back. Poses like cat-cow and child pose.

Top 10 Essential Yoga Poses for Back Strength

There are specific poses/asanas dedicated to different muscles of your body. Similarly, there are a few yoga poses for strengthening your back; it will also improve your overall flexibility and prevent back pain.

1. Salabhasana

How to Perform:

  • lay down on your stomach with your arms touching your body and palms facing upwards.
  • Make sure your forehead and feet are touching the mat and your legs touching the mat. Now generally keep your palms below your thighs.
  • Once you have locked your palms, lift your forehead, chest and feet from the ground and hold this pose for a few seconds and come back to the starting position and relax.


This pose focuses on your lower back and spine which takes care of your body alignment and strengthens your back muscles at the same time

2. Balasana

How to Perform:

  • Sit on your knees and make sure your feet are touching the mat.
  • slowly bend forward and with your arms stretching forward and forehead touching the mat.
  • Now close your eyes, feel the stretch and relax completely. Hold the pose for a few seconds and repeat.


This pose stretches the spine and makes it stronger. It also helps in calming your mind.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

How to Perform:

  • Form an inverted V using your arms and legs and your hips should be upwards.
  • Your head should be between your arms facing downwards towards the mat, once you achieve the inverted V you can press your heels on the floor and feel a good stretch, hold this position for a few seconds and release.


It improves flexibility and strengthens spine

4. Marjaryasana

How to Perform:

  • Take a position on the mat with your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Keep your arms and knees on the floor with hip width apart.
  • Now inhale and raise your chin and tilt your head back, push your stomach downwards and raise your back.
  • Repeat this form as many times as you want for better results.


It improves mobility of the spine.

5. Setu Bandhasana

How to Perform:

  • lie down on your back, bend your knees with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Hold your ankles with your palms. Now slowly lift your back from the ground.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds and release.


Strengthens your lower back and improves flexibility.

6. Bhujangasana

How to Perform:

  • Lie down on your stomach with your palms near your shoulders
  • Now fold your hands from your elbows, make sure your palms are close to your shoulders and raise your torso from the mat.
  • Slowly unwind and come back to your mat.


It relieves stress and fatigue from your back and helps in strengthening the spine.

7. Trikonasana

How to Perform:

  • Stand straight on the mat and keep a distance between your legs.
  • Now inhale and lift your arms to the shoulder level, turn your right foot towards your right and bend towards your right side and fingers touching your right foot.
  • Raise your left hand straight towards the opposite side, stay in this position for a few seconds and repeat it and use the other side.


It enhances spine alignment and improves balance and enhances overall back muscles.

8. Virabhadrasana

How to Perform:

  • Stand on your mat with your legs wide apart, now turn your right foot out by 90 degrees and the left foot should go inward.
  • Raise both your hands sideways to your shoulder height.
  • Turn your head and push your body towards the right. Hold this pose for a few seconds and release.
  • Now repeat the same with your other leg.


Helps in building spine stability and strengthens your legs and core.

9. Supta Matsyendrasana

How to Perform:

  • Lie down on your back, bend your knees, now place your feet on the mat, place your arms out to the sides.
  • Lift your right feet from your mat and make sure you cross your right thigh over your left and twist from your hips.
  • Hold the twist for a few seconds and now you can switch the sides.


It stretches the spine and it enhances your spinal flexibility.

10. Paschimottanasana

How to Perform:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs stretched outwards.
  • Raise your hands and bend forwards with both your hands touching your feet
  • Feel a good stretch and hold this position for a few seconds and release.


It improves the flexibility of the spine.

Related Blog: Yoga for Lower Back Strength: Strengthening Poses for a Resilient Lower Back

Creating a Yoga Routine for Back Strength

Yoga targets your overall muscles. Below is a yoga routine for back strength which you could follow.

  • Incorporate poses with good stretches such as cat-cow pose and downward dog pose
  • Focus on strengthening your core which eventually supports the spine.

FAQs about Yoga for Back Strength

Would like to answer some frequently asked questions about yoga for back strength.

Q1. Is it safe to practice yoga for back strength if I have a herniated disc?

Yes, it is safe to practice yoga for back strength if you have a herniated disc.

Q2. Can yoga help alleviate chronic back pain?

Yes, yoga will help you alleviate your back pain as it improves flexibility, mobility.

Q3. How does stress affect back health, and can yoga help manage it?

Stress has a significant impact on back health it causes poor posture, lower back pain

Q4. How can I incorporate yoga into my daily routine to maintain back strength?

You can incorporate yoga in your daily routine to maintain back strength by setting realistic goals.

Q5. What should I do if I experience discomfort or pain during a yoga pose?

If you experience any discomfort or pain during a yoga pose you can pause and assess.


Make sure you practise yoga regularly, under the guidance of a yoga instructor to avoid injury and get benefits which will help you improve your overall health.

Enroll in Our Yoga Classes for a Stronger, Healthier Spine!

Enroll in our yoga classes today! Let’s build a stronger and healthy spine. Let’s get on this journey together for a healthier you!

See you in the class!