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Sacral Chakra Blockage Symptoms: How to Recognize and Overcome Energy Imbalances?

Sacral Chakra Blockage Symptoms

Sacral Chakra Blockage Symptoms: How to Recognize and Overcome Energy Imbalances?

The Eastern world has found much solace in the power of philosophy and in understanding the nature of the human mind and body. Yogic philosophy has also provided much insight into the world of energy and provides a comprehensive description of the energy centres within our body, also known as the “Chakras.” 

What is Sacral Chakra?

The Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana is the second energy centre of the body. It lies just below the navel in the lower abdomen and is responsible for our sexual prowess, creativity and adaptability. 

Related Blog: Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra in Yoga: All You Need To Know!

Causes of Sacral Chakra Blockage

Chakra blockages can cause much discomfort in our lives and they can be caused due to many factors which have been briefly discussed below:

  1. Stress at work or in the household is one of the major causes of chakra imbalances as it restricts creative flow and stunts our emotional capacity. 
  2. Poor nutrition and diet is also a leading factor in causing blockages in the sacral chakra. 
  3. Physical or emotional trauma due to various unfortunate experiences may lead to a lack of confidence and intimacy issues which imbalances the sacral chakra. 
  4. Suppressing emotions like guilt and anger can also cloud the mind and cause imbalances in the sacral chakra. 
  5. holding a pessimistic outlook or negative beliefs and emotions about your environment or the people around you can create blockages in the sacral chakra.

Sacral Chakra Blockage Symptoms

In order to balance the sacral chakra, we must first identify and discern the symptoms of an imbalanced chakra. Only then can we proceed towards healing ourselves. Symptoms can be of many kinds such as emotional symptoms, behavioural symptoms and physical symptoms, each of which have been briefly elucidated below:

1. Emotional Symptoms:

  • Emotional instability. 
  • Creative blocks. 
  • Lack of emotional expression. 

2. Physical Symptoms:

  • Lack of sexual libido.
  • Discomfort in the lower back, hips area and lower abdomen. 
  • Bladder issues and digestive problems. 

3. Behavioural Symptoms:

  • Excessive indulgence in debauchery. 
  • Obsessive indulgence in sensory pleasures. 
  • Lack of intimacy and sexual expression

Related Blog: Sacral Chakra Opening Symptoms: How to Recognize and Embrace the Changes

How to Overcome Energy Imbalances in Sacral Chakra?

Once the symptoms and causes for sacral chakra imbalances have been identified, we can move on to overcoming these issues and improving our lives. Some of the ways to overcome these imbalances have been mentioned below:

  1. Start with your diet as it is the nutrition that provides energy to our bodies. improve your diet according to your body type and consume fresh foods to improve your nutritional intake. this step in itself can induce many benefits that will lead to relieving the blockages in your sacral chakra. 
  2. Indulging in physical exercises such as sports, callisthenics, dance or yoga can be a great way to oxygenate the body, improve flexibility and induce a sense of self-worth and confidence. Practising exercises that are focused on opening the sacral chakra such as hip and pelvic opening exercises are a good way to spend your energy and gain a sense of achievement.
  3. Indulging in mindful activities like meditation and journaling are good ways to observe your reality and stay focused on opening the sacral chakra. Using affirmations to induce creative flow and emotional expression can improve our sense of intimacy and help us succeed in our relationships. 
  4. Engaging in art of any form can be a great stimulus for the brain and will eventually transcend into a creative flow that is in itself a great form of meditation and will eventually lead to the opening of the sacral chakra. 

FAQs About Sacral Chakra Blockage Symptoms

Q1. Can a blocked sacral chakra cause physical pain?

Yes, a blocked chakra can cause physical pain. An imbalance in the sacral chakra can cause digestive issues, bladder issues, and pain in the lower back and abdomen. 

Q2. How does sacral chakra blockage impact creativity?

Sacral chakra blockages stunt emotional expression and induce a lack of intimacy and confidence, which are vital for creative flow. 

Q3. Can anxiety and fear be symptoms of sacral chakra blockage?

Yes, definitely, anxiety and fear can lead to a lack of confidence, which in turn transcends into stunted emotional expression, mood swings and blockages in the sacral chakra. 

Q4. What types of negative emotions are associated with sacral chakra blockages?

There are many negative emotions associated with sacral chakra blockages such as:

  1. Guilt. 
  2. Jealousy.
  3. Fear of intimacy. 
  4. Emotional instability. 
  5. Detachment. 
  6.  Lack of passion.

Q5. How can you tell if your sacral chakra is starting to open or heal?

Sacral chakra healing can be identified through an improved creative flow, emotional stability, an increase in libido, reduced discomfort in the pelvic or lower back region and a renewed sense of joy. 


In conclusion, it would be safe to say that to relieve the blockages in the sacral chakra it is important to identify the symptoms of sacral chakra imbalances by observing your lifestyle and diet and then looking at organic solutions that will improve your condition.