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Educating, Engaging, & Empowering…

Educating, Engaging, & Empowering…

Empowering India’s girls and boys have long been one of the most significant of India’s development challenges. Despite India being home to more adolescents than any other country, many of them face adverse social and economic challenges.

 We have observed that one of the major hindrances for students from underprivileged and semi-urban and rural backgrounds faced was not only lack of financial support to pursue higher education; but also, poor awareness on higher educational course available, colleges offering the same in their areas, availability of scholarships and the application process for the same and on the larger front which profession would suit their aptitude and interest the best.

 Our Education Pathway includes strategies to enhance school retention/re-enrolment and academic success as the central component of the program. Activities including improving the skills of teachers, remedial classes (music in schools, drum and movement therapy) for improving the academic performance of enrolled students as well as helping drop-outs to re-enter, and even support in the form of scholarships/financial support to enable the students to complete their schooling.

 Sakal India Foundation has decided on that an approach to tackle this problem is to encourage youth to develop vocational skills or pursue higher education post they finish secondary school or drop out, but the other approach was to go to the root of the problem, to prevent dropouts – Empower students when they are young and impressionable to make the right choices by supporting them through career, a dedicated career and educational support and timely training.

 SIF is reaching out to adolescents from various schools and currently also working toward economically empowering students through providing scholarships to underprivileged students in rural districts to undertake and explore educational avenues.

 To support us visit www.sakalindiafoundation.org